thanks to Lynne Rae Perkins for the illustration
When you order...
We will communicate to you as soon as we receive your order to acknowledge receipt and to give you a shipping date so you know when you will get it. If you are coming to Suttons Bay, and want to pick up your order here, we can hold pieces for you. Let us know. We will simply refund any shipping charged in the online sale.
Actual Shipping Costs & Refunds
Our website does not know how many pieces you are buying, and will add up the shipping charges without regard for obvious quantity discounts when it comes to the actual costs of getting your piece to you. Have no fear! We cheerfully refund excess shipping charges when you have obviously been charged too much! We usually make that acknowledgement when we respond to your order in the first place.
Original designs, limited production artists
We work with a wonderful group of artists who create the pieces we sell by hand in their studios. We do not have long conveyor belts rolling out endless "products". Limited production is what makes the craftwork so special; each is created with love and care. All are original designs, some of which might not be in production as years go by... We offer a connection to artists and their workshops, and rely on them to keep creating great crafts, which they do so well. Sometimes we may not have the piece on hand in the store. If that happens, we will investigate and let you know the timing on your order, and you can tell us your deadline. That special piece may have to be made just for you if the artist does not have on hand either! We can ask an artist to ship your order directly to you to, or we can talk about faster shipping if needed.
Looking for something special?
Special orders are welcome too. Sometimes you might need to tweak a piece a little - a bracelet or ring to be sized, or you may have a special request... a variation on a piece you see here. Just ask, and we will get the answers. Because we work with artists, many things are possible! We look forward to working with you. Please feel free to contact us with your special requests, and we will see what can be done.
No two alike, and that's their nature!
When artists use materials like rocks, pearls, gourds, twigs and recycled fabric... Well, you are bound to get variations. Mother nature and the artists' random gleaning rewards us with the individual beauty of each craft piece. We like to say that is part of its charm. Each maple leaf, each snowflake, and sometimes each craft work will have its own design. You can give us direction in making choices for you, and we can send images of pieces on hand here so you can choose.